Like other Americans, pastors are deciding who they’ll vote for in the November election. Compared to previous elections, however, they’re much more hesitant to share their preference.
Ben Mandrell, president and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources, presented checks totaling $678,283.32 to International Mission Board President Paul Chitwood and North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell on Sept. 17.
“When it comes to Bible study groups, it’s less about the name we give the ministry and more about what the groups actually do,” said Ken Braddy, director of Sunday School and network partnerships at Lifeway.
Compensation for full-time Southern Baptist senior pastors, full-time staff ministers and full-time office personnel outpaced inflation over the past two years, according to a new study.
The 2024 Impact Trainings occurred in five locations across Mississippi throughout August, focusing on the theme of “Building a Healthy Sunday School/Small Group Ministry” for church leaders, staff members and volunteers.
Around 5,600 women gathered in Athens, Georgia, from churches across the United States for Going Beyond Live at the largest live event Lifeway has hosted since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Surviving is not enough though. In my 20 years discipling college students, I have found that casting a vision for thriving spiritually and transforming your campus is far more compelling than surviving, writes Paul Worcester.