Girls Experiencing Missions is a two-day event where girls think about missions and pursuing a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Girls experience hands-on missions in praying, giving, learning and doing, and meet with a missionary.
This year 57 girls, leaders and staff met at Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, Missouri, to do just that.
The girls traveled through six different missions rotations, fulfilling the different objectives of Woman’s Missionary Union — pray for missions, giving to missions, doing missions, helping missionaries and participating with the church.
‘My favorite thing was the missionaries’
Missionaries Ron and JoAnn Hahs from Dominican Republic and MJ Grossman, former missionary to Kenya, shared about their countries and the people they worked with. Addie Carstens, age 12, said, “My favorite thing was the missionaries!”
Groups were asked to bring hand sanitizer with them. More than 200 hand sanitizers were collected to be used by Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief.
Jessica Moore, age 12, said, “It was really cool to see inside the Disaster Relief Mobile Kitchen.”
Engaging missions
Throughout the course of the day, attendees also packed mini emergency kits to be used by Disaster Relief and made bracelets for the children at the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home.
Abigail Moore, GA/children’s missions consultant, Missouri WMU said, “The girls loved our missionaries and the Disaster Relief mobile kitchen. A highlight for me was watching these girls engage in missions on a personal level. The girls also collected $66.26 for the Cooperative Program.”
For more information about WMU, click here.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Angelia Carpenter and originally published by The Pathway, newsjournal of the Missouri Baptist Convention.