“Today (Oct. 28), the SBC Executive Committee held its final meeting with current EC President Ronnie Floyd. On behalf of the members of the committee, I would like to thank President Floyd for his work at the EC. He’s had a tremendous ministry to Southern Baptists for years. We know he loves the Southern Baptist Convention, and we wish him well in the future — wherever God may lead him to serve.
“As the EC moves forward, we will be without another member, James Freeman (of Missouri), as he has submitted his resignation. We also thank him and the other members who have resigned over the past month for their service to Southern Baptists. In light of previous officer resignations and the openings created, Archie Mason (of Arkansas) and Andrew Hunt (of Indiana) now will chair the Convention Finances and Convention Missions & Ministry committees respectively. Both of these gentlemen are godly pastors and will represent Southern Baptists well in their new roles.
“Regarding legal representation, the EC has finalized a limited scope arrangement with Guenther, Jordan, and Price while we conduct our search for new legal counsel. More details will be released in the coming days regarding the search, but we are grateful for the continued partnership we have with Jim Guenther — our Convention attorney of 56 years. Also, the EC has secured the services with a national law firm, Bradley, to specifically assist in the legal aspects related to the ongoing independent third-party investigation by Guidepost Solutions.
“Please continue to pray for the members of the SBC Executive Committee, the staff, and all involved in these important matters.”
—Rolland Slade, chairman of SBC Executive Committee and pastor of Meridian Baptist Church in El Cajon, California
Editor’s Note — Rolland Slade’s report was provided by the SBC Executive Committee following the Oct. 28 meeting. The original statement released around 2 p.m. included reference to Bradley Kolman of Colorado resigning, but the statement was updated around 3:30 p.m. to only include James Freeman of Missouri. Kolman did not resign from the EC and remains an active member. To read about previous board resignations, click here.