The 2021 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting will convene at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 15, at 8 a.m. and conclude June 16, at 5 p.m.
Tuesday morning’s agenda includes the SBC president’s address by J.D. Greear, reports from the Executive Committee, GuideStone Financial Resources and North American Mission Board.
Tuesday afternoon’s session includes the second part of the EC report, International Mission Board report and the election of new officers.
Wednesday morning will feature the joint seminary reports and the convention sermon by Willy Rice, senior pastor of Calvary Church, Clearwater, Florida.
Wednesday afternoon will focus on reports from the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Lifeway Christian Resources and national Woman’s Missionary Union.
Business items will take place during all four sessions of the meeting.
To see the detailed schedule and find out more information, visit