Joe Dan Worley recently spoke to a Sunday School class of senior adults and explained how his faith in Jesus Christ sustained him in a fierce battle in Iraq during the War on Terror.
Two Christian converts from Islam who were locked in an Egyptian prison and held for three years without trial have been released, religious rights advocates said.
Police in Pakistan this week arrested a mentally challenged Christian on blasphemy charges despite being aware of his condition, Morning Star News reported.
Bent on suppressing Christianity in Iran, Islamic courts handed down six times more prison time to persecuted Christians in 2024 than the previous year, according to advocacy group Article 18.
An Islamist gang trapped more than 450 people in false blasphemy charges in recent years in Pakistan, including five who were tortured death in custody, according to human rights lawyers.
More than 400 Christian leaders in India ended 2024 with a strongly-worded appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to put an end to a surge in violence against Christians that was especially heightened during the Christmas season.