“We know what questions we often ask about our churches. Is the church growing? Are we meeting budget? Are we making disciples? Take some time today to evaluate your church via these somewhat ‘random’ questions,” notes Chuck Lawless.
Pastors are amazing people. They faithfully serve Sunday after Sunday, often with no desire for recognition or fame. In faith, they can do a lot – but here are several things they can’t do.
“Give your pastor and his family a weekend getaway. Give them a break on somebody else’s nickel — and make sure that time is not counted as vacation,” writes Southeastern Seminary’s Chuck Lawless on Pastor Appreciation Month.
We usually have access to solid, strong sermons from others, Chuck Lawless says. Check out these reasons why it’s good for us to listen to others’ sermons regularly.
Homes ought to be places of prayer as we intercede for family members and others. Getting started in building a praying family, though, is not always easy. Here are 12 ways to help. …