Here are some self-reflection questions for church leaders — especially those who are preparing to preach or teach this weekend — to consider:
1. Do I count all my achievements as rubbish as compared to knowing Christ? That’s where the apostle Paul landed (Phil 3:7—8). Being in relationship with Jesus meant so much more to him. . . than anything else.
RELATED: Check out more articles on culture and faith here.
2. Am I willing to point others to Jesus even if my name is never recorded in the story? Here, I’m thinking of unnamed biblical characters like the persons who surely directed the synagogue leader and the bleeding woman toward Jesus in Mark 5. God used them to change lives — but He did not name them in His Word. Are you willing for God to use you but leave your name out of the report?
3. Is it truly my heart’s desire for people to get saved? Paul allowed us to enter his heart in Romans 9 and 10, where we learn again of his deep burden for his people. Are you so hurting for the lost that you would be willing to be accursed yourself if that were possible?
4. Have I pushed away from the busyness of ministry this week to be with the Father, knowing I need His blessing and power when I stand before His people? Jesus intentionally left the crowds behind at times to pray (Luke 5:15–16), and He called His disciples to do the same on the Mount of Transfiguration (Luke 9:28). We are always wise to follow His lead.
5. Have I considered this week the weight and responsibility of shepherding God’s people? The writer of Hebrews reminds us that we will give an account of how we cared for the souls of people (Heb. 13:17). If we never pause to consider that weight as we prepare each week for worship, we will not have adequately prepared our hearts to lead.
6. Have I asked God through His Spirit to show me any sin that might get in the way of my Christian service this weekend? The Spirit convicts of wrong and calls to righteousness (John 16:8–11), and it is right for us to invite His inspection. And, by the way, you might also find helpful my earlier post about “daily cleaning out our junk.”
7. Do I rejoice in weakness so God is my strength, or do I function most in my own strength? Paul is again helpful to us here (2 Cor 12:7–10). Indeed, he learned more forcefully in his weakness that God’s grace is sufficient. When you learn that truth, you can follow God with even more abandon.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally published by