1 Thessalonians 5:4–15
I am here to tell you that the church I pastor is the perfect church! I mean it. Without a doubt, it is the greatest church in the world. But then something happens to mess it up. Someone like me unlocks the doors and walks in.
As of that moment, it is no longer without blemish. There is just something about people that can ruin anything. But without people like you and me, there is no Church.
The instant we realize that we need each other is the same moment authentic ministry and transformation can occur. God loves the Church more than we can imagine and has made it the visible and viable body of Christ in a world that needs good news.
A task this important requires a team effort and not a Lone Ranger approach. As we worship and serve together, community is formed and nurtured. I would assert that the most beneficial moments in the life of a church happen outside the four walls of the building designated for worship. It is the people themselves who are the Church, and the sooner we learn to lift, love and lean on one another the better.
Doing life together means standing united in a world wrapped in darkness. (4–8)
You do not have to watch the news on television or read the latest headlines very long to know that our world can be a cold and dark place. We should not fail to remember as Christians our role as lights in the world. As children of the Light, we are to be purveyors of hope.
That does not mean we are oblivious to the condition of our world, but rather we seek to be different and demonstrate there is a better and more righteous way to live. Many in the lost world are searching for what we claim to have. If we are modeling the life and love of Jesus, others will seek us out.
Doing life together means encouraging one another. (9–11)
Can you imagine the renewal your church would experience if we only encouraged one another? I had a deacon in a previous church who had a wonderful rule in each deacons meeting. If a problem were to arise, the one expressing the complaint must say two good things about the other person before sharing a critique.
This great reminder served the purpose that even though others may cause real hurt and hardship, they still have a measure of value and usefulness in God’s Church. Genuine encouragement requires humility, and that is something we all desperately could use more of.
Doing life together means challenging one another to pursue what is good. (12–15)
When we genuinely care for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, we want to see them do well and grow in faith. Churches would be wise to consider a mentoring program. The journey of the Christian is made more difficult when traveled alone but can be most beneficial when shared with an older, more mature believer.
There is no room for competition in the Church, only compassion. When you know someone genuinely cares for you and wants you to succeed, it can change your entire perspective and performance. Our churches should be places of grace and growth. Commit to encourage new believers in your church. Remember, the only perfect church is the one you and I do not attend.
By Bobby McKay
Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi