Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for October 8

Here’s the Bible Studies for Life Sunday School lesson commentary for Oct. 8, written by Bobby McKay, pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi.

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for October 8


Daniel 10:1–3, 10–13, 16–19

The United States has a bloody history and has had more than its share of wars. Jesus revealed in the Scriptures that wars and rumors of wars will be commonplace until the final reward of heaven is realized.

Each day, Christians are in a battle of a spiritual nature. These battles are difficult and exhausting. However, these battles are not permanent and are winnable because of God.

God desires victory and an abundant life for each of us. He equips and enables us to stand strong as we prayerfully depend on Him. God will repeatedly intervene in our situations when we trust and obey Him.

How He chooses to enter our battles may surprise us. In Daniel’s case this week, God uses an angel to convey His message.

News and events that trouble us should lead us to pray. (1–3)

In his lifetime, Daniel had lived under the rule of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians. He had witnessed the rise and fall of many kings and kingdoms and had endured many conflicts.

Upon seeing a “great conflict” on the horizon, Daniel mourns for three weeks. His heart is heavy, and he refuses the comforts of food and therapeutic oils.

Throughout his life, Daniel repeatedly sought God in prayer, and this time is no different.

His commitment to God regardless of who was on the earthly throne is a challenge to each of us and how we pray. Scholars are not clear on the nature of the conflict Daniel saw, but it did not change the fervor of his commitment and love for the Father.

Our prayers are part of a larger picture of spiritual warfare. (10–13)

Scottish Baptist Bible teacher Oswald Chambers once said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” When we pray, we are surrendering our will and plans to God. We are trusting God in the thick of the battle. Spiritual warfare is real and if you choose to think otherwise, chances are you are losing in the face of the enemy.

Satan and his agents will stop at nothing to hinder your testimony and tempt you to disobey God’s Word. Jesus shared that the devil desires to steal, kill and destroy. You and I are not exempt from that truth. While the enemy often chooses to attack following a great spiritual victory, we are to be constantly on guard against his schemes.

Standing strong in spiritual battle does not depend on us but on God. (16–19)

There have been times in the past when the sport of boxing has come under scrutiny for “fixing” fights. The idea is some boxers would deliberately take a fall to create an unfair and predetermined result. When it comes to our battles, God will ultimately win, and nothing can change the outcome.

At this point in Daniel’s life, he is older, tired and weak. He is reminded of God’s great love for Him and the fact that even if it is not visible to our physical eyes, God is always at work on our behalf. We see when the Lord’s messenger spoke to Daniel, his strength returned. By nature, battles are bloody, but our battles will end in victory because of the blood shed on the cross. As a soldier, are you trusting God in the struggle? Pray, seek and trust Him today.

By Bobby McKay
Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi

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