10 tips to prepare for your state Baptist convention annual meeting
As state Baptist annual meeting season heats up, discover some helpful tips on preparing for your big meeting this fall.
As state Baptist annual meeting season heats up, discover some helpful tips on preparing for your big meeting this fall.
Scholars from around the globe met virtually to discuss their research of evangelicalism and missions. The virtual conference on evangelicalism — held Oct. 2-4 this year — is an annual event hosted by Baylor University.
“‘Unlimited’ was chosen for the theme to help point students to the reality that we should not limit the power of our God,” said Sam Ivy, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board Collegiate Ministries director.
Hundreds of women gathered at First Baptist Church Benton for the Arkansas Baptist Women Conference, themed “More of Jesus and less of me!” based on John 3:30.
Approximately 15 of the churches in the Webster County Baptist Association were directly involved with some aspect of the latest sportsmen’s event, Aug. 24, and several other churches donated toward it.
Church planting candidates recently gathered at Indian Springs Baptist Church in Bryant, Arkansas, to confirm their calling and become better equipped as they embark on their potential church planting journey.
Lottie Moon’s home church hosted the International Mission Board’s Sept. 25 Sending Celebration, which featured 57 newly appointed missionaries.
Churches need to consider what it might look like for disabled people “to be embedded at that DNA, normalized cultural level of church life,” said Jason Le Shana during a recent faith and disability workshop.
Every year, Hispanic church youth groups across Arizona unite to rejoice in faith, truth — and Yuma’s famous monster tacos. Unity Conference was held at Iglesia Cristiana Tiera Fertil in Yuma.
Days before the start of a new school year, more than 1,730 college students and leaders gathered at Falls Creek Conference Center in Davis, Oklahoma,