We are celebrating big for this special first birthday of The Baptist Paper — and you are a major part of the celebration.
The Baptist Paper would not be possible without your partnership, and we still can’t quite believe we get the honor and privilege of serving you in this way.
We give all the glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We know all the good parts of what we’ve been able to achieve come from Him — and that He provides grace when we make mistakes along the journey.
Words of affirmation
Thank you for your kind words of affirmation this past year and continued support and encouragement each time our paths cross.
When you call, write or email to share how an article touched your heart or the appreciation you have for our news coverage concept of “truth with compassion,” it gives us a little extra pep in our step.
And, of course, your subscriptions, advertising and donations have allowed us to produce, print and mail the paper every other week.
In fact, we are nearing the deadline to receive the special discounted postage rate for periodicals.
We need a few more paid subscribers to qualify for the reduced postage costs, which will allow us to be even better stewards of our finances. Be sure to share with your family and friends about The Baptist Paper and urge them to knock out that subscription today.
We love partnering with our state Baptist publication peers across the nation to bring you a reliable printed product with trustworthy news and inspirational pieces.
Our motto is “No Baptist left behind,” and our hope is that The Baptist Paper provides the articles and resource information everyone needs in a form manageable to consume without labels or echo chambers.
Our team at The Baptist Paper is committed to clear communication, truth telling and adherence to the highest of journalistic standards.
Along with the simple — and sometimes hard — facts of current issues, we strive to share uplifting, encouraging and calming content.
In a day when life seems more disconnected than connected, The Baptist Paper serves as that needed lifeline to keep us all tethered together.
I don’t know about you, but a little love, support and encouragement on a consistent basis nourishes my soul, fills my heart and supplies a sense of security.
We all need those things to be and do our best in the places God has called us to serve.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This article was written by Jennifer Rash, editor-in-chief of The Baptist Paper.
Fast facts
First issue printed:
May 13, 2021
Social media platforms:
YouTube (TAB Media Group)
Official partnerships:
Alabama and Mississippi (with more to come)
Advertising partners:
New Orleans Seminary
Southeastern Seminary
University of Mobile
Thomas Nelson
Phil Waldrep Ministries
Samford University
Beeson Divinity School
Southwestern Seminary
Luther Rice Seminary
James One 27 Initiative
Bogard Press
Author Alan Johnston
Baptist Children’s Village
Children’s Hospital
Maranatha Tours Inc.
Gatlinburg Visitors Bureau
Friendship Tours
Bellingrath Gardens/Home
Louisiana Christian Univ.
Author Bob Terry