A Christian couple arrested for being part of a house church is being held in an Iranian prison known for abusive treatment of prisoners.
Homayoun Zhaveh and his wife, Sara Ahmadi, were summoned Aug. 13 to the administrative office of Evin Prison, reported the relief group Barnabas Fund. The couple thought they were going to retrieve items taken when they were arrested, but they were imprisoned instead.
Homayoun has advanced Parkinson’s Disease.
In June 2019, they were arrested and eventually charged with being part of an “illegal organization.” Homayoun was put in Evin for a month then; Sara was in the prison 67 days, 33 of which she spent in solitary confinement.
In November 2020, Homayoun received a two-year prison term and Sara was given an 11-year sentence (eventually lowered to eight years). When they reported to the prison to begin serving their sentences, they were instead told to go home, Barnabas Fund reported.
Iran is No. 9 on Open Doors’ 2022 World Watch List of places most difficult to be a Christian.