A church building that government entities sealed in March was unsealed in June.
Morning Star News reports the Palsigunung congregation of the Indonesian Christian Church in East Jakarta was unsealed June 26. It had been sealed March 20 for lack of proper permits.
Church leaders had tried since 2012 to secure the necessary permits. However, various governing entities refused the requests. Even though the seal was removed from the church, officials with East Jakarta’s city planning office said the congregation cannot meet in the building until a “change of use” is granted for the structure. Church leaders say they will apply soon for that change.
Other opposition against the Church
In another matter, opposition to Cahaya Fajar Pengharapan House of Worship in the Mangunjaya village of East Jakarta was resolved peaceably June 21, Morning Star reported.
Muslims and some local leaders who opposed the church’s presence had disrupted the worship service June 18.
The agreement — negotiated by the commander of the Bekasi Regency Military District — allows the church to continue to meet at the same site and at its usual times.
Indonesia is No. 33 on Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch List of places most difficult to be a Christian.