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To the best of our knowledge, all of the ads in The Baptist Paper represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
To the best of our knowledge, all of the ads in The Baptist Paper represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
Full-time Pastor - Pineview Baptist Church, Brent, Alabama
Pineview Baptist Church, Brent, Alabama, is seeking a full-time, God-called, experienced, licensed, and ordained pastor with a heart for evangelism…
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Associate Pastor - Grand Ridge, FL
Providence Baptist Church (PBC) of Grand Ridge, FL is seeking a biblically qualified man that God is calling to serve…
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2006 25 Passenger Van for Sale
2006 Ford Econoline 25 Passenger Van for Sale. Mileage - 29,000 miles. In good condition! Asking $7,500.00. May be seen…
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Bivocational Pastor — Montgomery, AL
Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, is seeking a bivocational pastor. Please email resumes to: rbcsearch23@gmail.com.
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Full-time Pastor — Montgomery
Lakeview Baptist Church, Montgomery, is seeking a full-time pastor. Please send resume to amanda@lakeviewbaptist.cc or 9225 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL 36117.
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Full time Pastor - Gallion, AL
Providence Baptist Church in Gallion AL. is prayerfully seeking a full time Pastor. For more information or to submit a…
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Senior Pastor - Cullman, AL
Seventh Street Baptist Church, Cullman Alabama accepting applicatiions and resumes for senior pastor, full time position. Cullman is a unique…
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Associate Pastor for Worship Arts (Worship Pastor) - Mobile, AL
First Baptist Tillman's Corner in Mobile, Alabama, is seeking an Associate Pastor for Worship Arts (Worship Pastor). The Worship Pastor…
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Full time pastor - Clanton, AL
Bell Lane Baptist, Clanton, AL is prayerfully seeking our next full time pastor. The successful candidate will assume a range…
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Minister of Children - South Fulton Baptist Church
South Fulton Baptist Church is prayerfully searching for a Minister of Children position that will be responsible for the leading…
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