You might be already thinking about goals for the upcoming new year, and I assume that some will be related to your spiritual walk. Whatever your goals are, though, I encourage you to think about adding these goals to your list as well.
They may surprise you, but they reflect challenges I’ve seen too many believers face.
RELATED: For more articles on faith and culture from Chuck Lawless, click here.
1. I will never make my spouse or children feel like they have to schedule an appointment to get time with me. They notice it when everyone else gets our time.
2. I will speak to someone every day about God’s goodness. Someone. Every day. If we get there, we’ll also do more evangelism.
3. I will take every step necessary to avoid pornography. The stuff’s potent. And destructive. To think we’re immune to its lure is to be foolish.
4. I will pray daily with my Christian spouse. It doesn’t need to be long prayer — even a quick prayer is better than none — but we should be praying with our spouse.
5. I will read or listen to the news every day. I’m amazed by how ill-informed church leaders are about the world God loves. We miss prayer and missions opportunities when we know nothing except our own little world.
6. I will say “thank you” to a faithful church member at least once a week. Write a card. Send an email. Make a phone call. Most of our churches have many faithful, sacrificial members who never get a thank you.
7. I will fast once a month. I realize believers differ on the necessity of fasting, but Jesus seemed to assume His followers would fast (Matt. 6). This won’t happen unless we prioritize and schedule it.
8. I will finish that project I’ve been working on far too long. You know what that project is. If you believe God has wanted you to do it, get it done.
9. I will read at least one book per month. One book may not sound like much, but it’s more than many church leaders read. Enlist a reading partner, and keep learning as you lead others.
10. I will always be praying for at least (a) one non-believer, (b) one wayward believer, and (c) one faithful believer. Pray with intentionality this next year.
11. I will view my physical well-being as a spiritual matter and a gospel witness. For many of us, that means we will exercise more, eat better and get more rest.
12. I will study about the needs of missions at least once a quarter. I would prefer you do it at least monthly, but let’s start somewhere. Great sites for studying missions needs are,,, and
What other goals do you have on your list?
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written and originally published by