Grandparents, it’s time to celebrate you and the tremendous role you play in the lives of your grandchildren.
Grandparents Day falls on the first Sunday after Labor Day, so that means Sept. 8 this year.
For the grandchildren out there, be sure to take a little time to call or drop by to see your grandparents on their special day, and then try to keep up the pattern at least monthly, if not weekly.
The best gift you could give them at any point during the year is a phone call or visit where you focus on a real conversation.
Sharing stories
Share what’s happening with you — what’s going well and where you are struggling — and let them share their memories.
You may hear some of the same stories over and over, but I promise those are the ones you will always treasure and may end up telling your own children and grandchildren one day.
For the grandparents, you have a lifetime of lessons to share and have been given a tremendous opportunity to speak wisdom into the lives of these precious ones you also get to spoil.
For those without grandchildren, there are plenty of kiddos who could use someone with spiritual maturity to pour into their lives.
Pray for God to make your heart sensitive to those who need a grandparent.
And for the grandparents raising their grandchildren, know we realize your situation moves to an entirely different level.
I can’t begin to understand the complexity of what that means for you, but I do know it takes you to hero status. Be willing to share with your support system how they can pray and help.
The appreciation and recognition for being a grandparent — however that is defined in your family — may not always be apparent but be assured your legacy will outlive you.
Don’t give up
You may not always understand all the lingo swirling around with the grandkids, and their decisions may definitely concern you. But don’t give up.
Pray diligently for each grandchild by name and situation. Pray for God to show you what to share and when to share it — and exactly how to best invest in and love each child.
The Baptist Paper is grateful for the influence of grandparents and others in our lives.