Sometimes when I’ve allowed myself to become exhausted from the pressures of life, I walk through a series of “what if” statements to refocus and center my thoughts.
What if I learn to truly depend on the Lord’s strength and stop trying to juggle life in my own strength?
Could I avoid these moments of exhaustion?
What if I took more time to pray and discern how the Lord would have me participate in various situations and then follow His direction?
Would I be challenged to learn a new skill, adapt daily routines or give up some of the things I’m drawn to do?
Fear versus faith
What if I didn’t let fear or stubbornness prevent me from following those uncomfortable steps of faith the Lord will undoubtedly place before us?
What if I learn to take full responsibility for my actions (or inactions) even when I want to blame a lack of healthy discipline on the current situation?
What if I sit in the painful parts of life for a bit and work to process them appropriately rather than attempting to avoid or ignore them?
Time and energy
What if I take time each day to spend with the Lord no matter how many things are swirling around me and trust that He’ll expand my time to accomplish the vital parts?
What if I limit the amount of time I spend with those who bring me down and deplete my energy?
What if I surround myself with those who encourage, inspire and rejuvenate me?
What if I do the work needed, no matter how hard, to be the best version of the person the Lord created me to be?
What if we all did these things?
Can you imagine the Kingdom-building efforts that would take place every day if we did?
Can you imagine how much unnecessary drama and difficulties would be eliminated from our lives immediately?
While we won’t experience a pain-free life until we make it home to Heaven, we can all contribute positively to the current journey.
Keeping our hearts and eyes focused on Jesus means we’ll also have more energy, time and opportunities to share Him with those who are missing out.
What are ways you’ve found to manage time, energy and resources?
How have you seen the Lord work in your life and the lives of others when it seemed like it would have been easier not to follow His path?
Things to do:
- Pray
- Read Bible
- Exercise
- Work
- Family time
- Errands
- Meals
- Rest
- Chores
- Encourage others
- Share Christ
- Help someone
Ran out of time for:
- Worry
- Frustration
- Fear
- Criticism
- Negative attitude
- Lots of other stuff