As we are now well into September and staring down the last quarter of the year, I’ve been assessing my pending projects list and attempting to determine when and how to finish up a few of them.
Most of us have at least one item that needs attention but will require a significant amount of time and energy. Or it may require research to understand the next steps needed.
Whatever the reason we are putting off a specific task, it likely comes down to a sense of being overwhelmed — that we aren’t sure where to start or we dread the actions required.

Determining next steps
In some cases, the next step requires an uncomfortable conversation, taking the first step toward an attempt at reconciliation or acknowledging that our part (or lack of participation) in a situation made it worse.
It takes discipline, determination and courage to isolate the intimidating project and go after it. We may need help too, which could become another stumbling block if our pride gets in the way.
And then there’s the assessment of what doesn’t get done today, this week or this month in order to take care of those items lurking in the back of our minds.
Experiencing relief
If you’re like me, then you know the freedom and relief that follows finally taking care of a dreaded experience or project.
And you’re probably better than I am at using that knowledge to spur you to action more quickly each time you face another unwelcome or discouraging pursuit.
Sometimes the task at hand is merely redistributing our time to coach, mentor or train up those for which we are responsible.
Ignoring the opportunity to help others grow not only stalls their growth and development but also prevents us from discovering the next steps of growth waiting for us.
Other times, it’s a good lesson to use more caution and fact finding before agreeing to take on a task or accept an opportunity, even the really good options.
If you have found a way to always face and accomplish the difficult tasks that surface, then we would love to hear your stories and suggestions. Please call, email or write us at your convenience.
For the rest of us, we can share what we are learning from mentors and life experience.
My focus on these projects requires split vision — looking ahead while also constantly tidying up my existing list. As soon as tomorrow arrives, today will be the past, so it never really stops.
Seeking God’s guidance on the who, what, when and where always assures time, energy and resources will be provided.
A basic routine from day to day and week to week also seems to help keep us on track, but it’s important to build in flexibility and margin to be available to pivot when an unexpected God moment surfaces.
And if we think about those lingering projects on the to-do list as debt remaining on a past-due account, then it’s a little easier to commit to clearing the debt by a certain date and selecting one older item per week to accomplish.
The temptation will always be to tackle a more current or simpler item sitting on the list and continue pushing the oldest items back down the list, but taking a deep breath and going after one of those aging members of the list might provide the motivation needed to catch them all up.
Resisting rigidity
A note of caution, however. Creating a world where we are super organized and able to clear our to-do lists easily and quickly could actually lead to an obsession with structure and schedules — to a point where it is idolized.
As with the goal of restricting what we put on our lists to provide a reasonable pace of daily living — everything in moderation — the focus on that goal should also be fluid enough to adapt when necessary (Eccles. 3:1–8; 1 Cor. 6:12).
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Jennifer Davis Rash, president and editor-in-chief of TAB Media Group. This editorial appeared in the Sept. 12 edition of The Baptist Paper. Click here to subscribe.