If technology was supposed to make our lives easier and more convenient, why do our lives feel so complicated and confusing? And if Christians believe the Bible has wisdom for all circumstances, how does it speak to issues of life in a digital age?
In his new book, “Following Jesus in a Digital Age” releasing Aug. 30, Jason Thacker challenges Christians to consider how technology is shaping their walks with Christ and how to apply biblical wisdom to navigate the most difficult aspects of digital culture — including the rise of misinformation, conspiracy theories, social media, digital privacy and polarization.
Technology and family
Thacker grew up surrounded by gadgetry and innovation. But he never considered how his interest in and use of technology was shaping him.
When he got married and had kids, Thacker became increasingly aware of how his use of technology, and social media in particular, affected how he interacted with his family. And he began to realize technology was shaping every aspect of his life.
As Thacker read books on technology and studied the Bible’s wisdom literature, he came to understand there is a better way of following Jesus in our digital age. It begins, he said, with cultivating a more biblical understanding of these technological tools and how they’re shaping us.
Rather than leaving readers with a message of despair that technology is using us more than we are using technology, Thacker aids believers in applying biblical wisdom in a digital age for the glory of God.
“‘Following Jesus in a Digital Age’ reminds all of us that not only is God not surprised or taken back by these innovations, but that His word is sufficient for navigating the challenges before us,” Thacker said.
“Amid the confusion and seeming chaos of our day,” he noted, “we can engage these pressing issues of technology from a place of hope rooted in the fact God is in control of all things and that His plans for our lives are good.”
God calls His people to remain grounded in His word as they step into the challenges of the digital age, holding on to hope and discernment.
“I pray readers see how God’s word applies to every aspect of our lives — even the difficult questions we’re facing in our digital age,” Thacker said.
“Wisdom is a central component to Christian discipleship and is the foundation for how we navigate all of life.”
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally written By Marissa Postell and published by Lifeway Christian Resources.