Our homes ought to be places of prayer as we intercede for family members and others. Getting started in building a praying family, though, is not always easy. Here are 12 ways to help you get started:
1. Agree on a “Spouse Prayer Covenant.” Christian husbands and wives should pray together every day, even if only for a few minutes. That doesn’t happen, though, unless we plan it. Covenant to pray together at least once every day.
2. Plan a daily parent/child prayer time. I realize that preschoolers may give us only 30 seconds of attention (if that much), but take that time each day. Individually let your children hear you pray for them — and don’t stop just because your kids become teens. They, too, need to hear your praying voice.
3. Do family prayerwalks. Finding time to take a family walk might be a struggle, but plan at least a weekly walk through your neighborhood. Pray aloud for your neighbors. If you see “For Sale” signs, pray for families in the midst of a move. View toys as a trigger to pray for children. Teach your children to say those prayers.
4. Do “Family Drive-by Praying.” Even on short trips, your family can find prayer opportunities. Pray for other churches you pass. Intercede for school administrators, teachers and students when you drive by a school building. Pray for kids on the playground. Invite your children to watch for these places, and they won’t miss many opportunities to pray.
5. Have a prayer globe or prayer map in your home. Once a week, introduce your family to another part of the world. Show them the location on the globe. Tell them about the people there, including whether they know Jesus. You might even prepare a meal related to that place. Be certain to pray for the people and for missionaries who may be serving there.
6. For younger children, create an “Acts Prayer” coloring book. Read about prayer in the book of Acts, and challenge your children to draw the stories. Imagine a child’s drawing of Peter, John and the lame man at prayer (Acts 3) or Peter’s knocking on the door after his release from prison (Acts 12). Color together, and be sure to pray.
7. Develop a family prayer list. Every family member probably knows somebody who does not know Jesus. Create that list of names, and pray over it during at least one meal per week.
8. Electronically pray with distant relatives. In our mobile society, we often don’t get to hear grandparents and other relatives pray for us. Fix that problem by scheduling particular times to meet and pray via some electronic means. Even a few minutes of prayer from a grandparent can be powerful.
9. Set up a “Prayer Calendar” to pray for your church. Work with your family to determine different folks to pray for each day (e.g., pastors, Bible study leaders, friends), and put those names on a calendar. Make a calendar for each kid’s room, and remind your family to pray each day. Your kids will probably enjoy crossing off each date as they pray.
10. Each evening, pray about the next day. Dad may have an important meeting. Mom has a doctor’s appointment. One of the kids has a test. Make prayer relevant by praying specifically for each family member.
11. Do your devotions where kids can see you. I know it’s easier to retreat to your quiet place, but kids need memories of their parents reading the Word and praying when it’s not Sunday.
12. Make sure prayer is in your personal DNA. Our families won’t be praying families until we are praying individuals. Let your family prayer be the overflow of your personal prayer.
What other ways would you add to this list?
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally published by chucklawless.com.