Many today fail to grasp the significance of multiplication in discipleship; and the Kingdom principle of multiplying disciples is often ignored. However, apart from multiplication, there is no real discipleship.
When Jesus invited 12 men to be in His discipleship group, He knew He would not be with them forever. His goal was not to remain with them but to send them out. Jesus made disciples who made disciples.
As a disciple maker, Jesus modeled six practices with His D-Group:
- fellowship
- teaching
- prayer
- ministry
- multiplication and
- accountability.
Let’s unpack the fifth of these practices, which is multiplication.
Multiplication is explained
In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul said to his young disciple Timothy, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” In this one sentence, we see four generations of discipleship: 1. Paul, 2. Timothy, 3. faithful men and 4. others also. Paul had discipled Timothy. Now it was Timothy’s turn to disciple some faithful men. In turn, these faithful men were to go disciple others also.
This is how God’s kingdom is intended to grow. This is growth without gimmicks. The great expansion of the early Church did not happen by addition. It was the result of the explosive process of multiplication.
Multiplication is expected
When you step up to lead a D-Group, you are on the front lines of the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. It’s not the preacher in the pulpit but the disciple maker in the trenches who determines if the Kingdom grows. It is important for you to do your job. Don’t be duped by the misleading allure of addition.
Simply put, your job is not to grow a bigger group but to multiply new groups. It’s only through the multiplication of disciples that you will witness the result of exponential Kingdom growth.
As a disciple maker, make multiplication your primary goal. Intentionally and methodically strive to send out at least one new disciple maker every year to lead a new D-Group. According to the Bible, the Father is glorified when “you bear much fruit” (John 15:8). When you live a lifestyle of disciple making, you possess unlimited fruit-bearing potential.
Next, we will examine the sixth practice of disciple-making, which is accountability.
Upcoming D-Life boot camps
First Baptist Church
Oxford, Mississippi
Saturday, Aug. 7
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
NorthPark Baptist Church
Trussville, Alabama
Saturday, Aug. 28
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Stone Ridge Baptist Church
Alexander City, Alabama
Sunday, Sept. 19
4–7:30 p.m.
Lawndale Baptist Church
Greensboro, North Carolina
Saturday, Oct. 23
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
**All times local.