So you want to be a disciple maker, but you don’t think you’re a teacher. Teaching is just not your gift. Well, you’re in good shape. The gift of teaching is not required. The word disciple means “a learner,” and there are many different ways for a person to learn.
As a disciple maker, Jesus modeled six practices with His D-Group:
- fellowship
- teaching
- prayer
- ministry
- multiplication
- accountability
Let’s unpack the second of these six practices, which is teaching.
Keep it Simple
If we limit disciple making to only those who are gifted teachers, how will common people live out the Great Commission? That would limit disciple making to only a select few. Jesus modeled a simple method of teaching with His disciples. Mainly, He told stories. He would tell a simple story or parable, and when He was alone with His disciples, they would discuss it. Anyone can learn to teach like Jesus by telling stories. By keeping it simple, He made it reproducible.
Trust the Scriptures
Where do we find these stories that Jesus told? We find them in the Bible. The Bible is the disciple maker’s textbook. It’s the only resource we need to make disciples who make disciples. By leading your D-Group to read the Bible, story through the Bible and discuss the Bible, you can teach in the same way that Jesus taught His disciples.
In making disciples, why would you want to use any other book except The Book — The Holy Bible? As a D-Group leader, you must trust the total sufficiency of the Scriptures. Let the Scriptures do the teaching for you. You don’t have to be a great teacher; the Bible is the great teacher. Lead your group to systematically read and discuss the Bible, and watch them grow. You can also teach your group to find personal applications from the Bible by using the SPACE acrostic. In each chapter you read, ask if there is a:
- Sin to confess?
- Promise to claim?
- Attitude to change?
- Command to obey?
- Example to follow?
You will find an answer to at least one of these questions in every chapter of the Bible.
In my next article, I will unpack the third practice of disciple making, which is prayer.
Upcoming D-Life boot camps
First Baptist Church
Oxford, Mississippi
Saturday, Aug. 7
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
NorthPark Baptist Church
Trussville, Alabama
Saturday, Aug. 28
9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Stone Ridge Baptist Church
Alexander City, Alabama
Sunday, Sept. 19
4 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Lawndale Baptist Church
Greensboro, North Carolina
Saturday, Oct. 23
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
**All times local.
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