Months before the biggest student camp of the year, nearly 100 Mississippi Baptist leaders recently gathered at Garaywa Camp and Conference Center to discuss all things Super Summer.
The annual event is a discipleship/evangelism leadership conference designed to help provide spiritual growth and help develop student leadership in Mississippi churches. Utilizing a camp setting, for 29 years Super Summer has challenged students to learn how to influence their culture for Christ.
The Feb. 27 retreat focused on critical planning for the July 8–12 camp to help prepare leaders for the week of ministry.
New curriculum
For the first time in several years a new curriculum was introduced, which will create a better balance between New Testament and Old Testament passages, noted Neil Tullos, pastor of First Baptist Church Wiggins who serves on the planning committee.
“We wanted a curriculum that was custom for Super Summer,” he explained, and the new curriculum is designed so “we can edit and tweak along the way.”
Students will be trained in how to read Scripture and will receive practical help in learning how to study, focusing this year on Acts 20:24
Super Summer will be held at Mississippi College, with featured speaker Shane Pruitt, national Next Gen director for the North American Mission Board.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Tanner Cade and originally published by The Baptist Record.