New director named to Online Hispanic Program at Southern Seminary

New director named to Online Hispanic Program at Southern Seminary

Roberto Carrera has been named director for Online Hispanic Program at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Southern Seminary President Albert Mohler said the Hispanic program is important to the seminary’s mission.

“The Spanish-speaking world is on Southern Seminary’s heart, and we see both a great opportunity and a great responsibility,” Mohler said. “Prosperity theology and other challenges have made significant inroads into the Hispanic world. At the same time, there is an incredible, even unprecedented openness to the gospel and we are excited to establish partnerships with pastors and churches who we see as the crucial leaders for an awakening of Christ’s church in the Spanish-speaking world.”

Carrera has been involved with Southern Seminary since 2011 — completing his master of divinity degree in 2016 and starting a Ph.D. in Old Testament the same year. Carrera has worked for OHP since December 2019. OHP collaborates with institutions and leaders by providing theological education in Latin America. (Travis Hearne,

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