Hi, friend. My name is Jennifer, and our team at TAB Media Group is beyond excited to introduce you to what we know will be your new favorite resource — The Baptist Paper.
You see, several of us have known God was up to something for more than a decade. We’ve been watching and waiting for Him to bring it into focus — and what an absolute privilege it is to join Him in the work He has now made so clear.
The new publication is an expansion of the 178-year-old ministry of The Alabama Baptist. In some ways, it takes us back to our early days when The Alabama Baptist expanded to become The South Western Baptist in 1850 for a time.
And now in 2021, with two publications, a robust digital and web presence and a podcast and radio ministry, we have shifted to calling our overall ministry TAB Media Group.
The Baptist Paper and The Alabama Baptist will be similar but not the same. They both will provide stories of what God is doing through His people and will complement each other’s coverage.
You might find the same story appearing in both from time to time, but not often because the number of stories showcasing what God is doing in your lives and ministries outpaces what we can squeeze into both publications week after week.
The crossword and word search puzzles will likely be the same, but the Sunday School lesson commentaries will always be different.
Our team at The Alabama Baptist will continue its award-winning work each week focusing on Alabama, while The Baptist Paper staff will work in conjunction with our Baptist media partners across the nation to highlight a variety of states every other week.
Working together
The Baptist Paper also will provide in-depth and investigative pieces and enhance your prayer list if you will let it.
It is not a competition piece. Its purpose is to make sure all Baptists receive the information they need while boosting our media partners’ efforts.
We will work together to bring all Baptists the best of what we are tasked to do in an effort to ensure all who want to stay connected and resourced have an opportunity to do so.
Each state’s Baptist editor and/or communications director will still be responsible to cover his or her area, and Baptist Press remains the news service for the Southern Baptist Convention through its role as a ministry of the Executive Committee. Other online news outlets also consistently cover Baptist news and are available to everyone.
But providing an autonomous news source is vital for the health of any group, and ensuring communication gets to all members allows everyone to remain connected to the group.
While digital communication is an absolute must to reach the masses, a reliable printed product with trustworthy news and inspirational pieces captured in an easy-to-read format provides the connection needed to reach those who prefer receiving their news and information through the mail.
Our motto is “No Baptist left behind,” and our hope is that The Baptist Paper provides the articles and resource information everyone needs in a form manageable to consume without getting distracted by the countless discussions that are not always based in fact.
Our team at The Baptist Paper is committed to clear communication, truthtelling and adherence to the highest of journalistic standards.
We work to provide credible, balanced news you can trust from a Christian worldview.
Along with the simple — and sometimes hard — facts of current issues, we strive to share uplifting, encouraging and calming content.
In a day when life seems more disconnected than connected, The Baptist Paper serves as that needed lifeline to keep us all tethered together.
I don’t know about you, but a little love, support and encouragement on a consistent basis nourishes my soul, fills my heart and supplies a sense of security.
We all need those things to be and do our best in the places God has called us to serve.
Engaging with The Baptist Paper will give you a boost of energy, a shot of grace and truth with compassion.