Most people in this South Asian village were afraid to seek medical attention.
The closest hospital is 15 miles away, and when villagers traveled to seek care, they never made it back — alive or dead. Not having a body to cremate is a travesty for Hindus because it’s part of their spiritual framework for helping someone pass on from this life.
Now, thanks to a South Asian doctor people call “Lucky,” villagers have access to medical and soul care.
Lucky heard the gospel from International Mission Board missionaries while studying to be a doctor and decided to commit his life to Christ. He’s attended many gospel-themed trainings hosted by IMB missionaries Cordy and Elise Lowe and is passionate about sharing the gospel. The Lowes and Lucky regularly go into communities to talk about their faith.
Because of their friendship, the Lowes were able to share the gospel in areas they would not have had access to otherwise. These communities are accessible to missionaries because of the resources Southern Baptists and others provide through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
As Lucky grew in his faith, the Lord developed in him a desire to plant a church in his home village. He wants to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of people through opening a small clinic to serve his community while advancing the gospel.
He won’t just be serving his community — seven nearby villages do not have hospitals or clinics. These villages don’t have any known Christians either, but faithful support is changing that.
Lucky recently completed his doctor and pharmacist qualifications and will soon finish his gynecology certification. He is actively working to open his clinic.
The world’s greatest problem
The world’s greatest problem is lostness and the world’s greatest need is the gospel.
Meeting medical needs is one way for gospel access to happen. Gifts to LMCO make it possible for the Lowes to provide medication and supplies to support Lucky’s efforts.
The Lowes and Lucky have hosted medical clinics in the neighboring villages. At the clinics, they get phone numbers and follow up with patients. They receive many invitations for tea. In South Asian culture, people are quick to extend an invitation to host guests in their homes.
One of Lucky’s favorite things to do is walk through the villages and invite people to his home or a friend’s home if he is visiting another village. He’ll provide a simple meal — lentil stew — for the 20, 30 or 40 people who come. If Cordy went with Lucky on the trip, after everyone is seated, Lucky says, “You are now going to hear uncle speak.”
In South Asia, “uncle” is used to respectfully refer to someone older. Since Cordy is a Westerner, people are curious and interested in what he has to say, providing a perfect opportunity to introduce Jesus. Cordy said many people in these areas have never heard the name of Jesus.
Cordy and Elise share who Jesus is and partner with Lucky in an area in great need of the gospel.
For more information, click here.
Some names may have been changed for security reasons.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This story was written by Tessa Sanchez and originally published by the International Mission Board.