By Charles Hendrix
Brandon, Mississippi
There are two kinds of peace: the peace that comes at the end of war (man’s peace) and spiritual peace (God’s peace). When we hear a reference to peace on TV news, we think of an end to war, a time when armies lay down swords, shields and guns to end hostilities with their enemies.
Peace came at the end of WWI, the war to end all wars, so everyone thought. It came at the end of WWII, with the cease fire in Korea and with the Paris peace talks that ended the Vietnam conflict. Yet the nations of the world are still vying with each other in a race to see who can raise the biggest army and create the deadliest weapons.
War only gives us poverty, depression, suffering, hatred and death. It has never given us a permanent peace. After thousands of years on earth, we are no nearer to peace than were our warring ancestors of ancient history.
Seen its share of war
Jerusalem is held sacred by three religions, yet it has seen its share of war. The city has been attacked by the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Muslims, the Turks, the Crusaders and the British. Oddly, it has not escaped conflict even though the Prince of Peace was crucified there.
At the end of WWII, 50 countries met to sign the U.N. Charter to establish the United Nations in order to promote world peace.
During their organizational meeting, so as not to upset the communistic societies, there was no mention of God nor were any prayers lifted for guidance and blessings. Is there any wonder the United Nations has been so ineffective?
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded annually among all nations. Much acclaim has been given to the United Nations and the Nobel Peace Foundation, but peace still eludes us. We can see man’s peace is short-lived and will not endure.
In contrast to nations at war with one another, many people are at war with themselves. They are struggling to find peace in their workplace, peace in their marriage and peace within their families. They tend to believe they can find peace with a few cocktails or from a prescription in a small plastic bottle.
A person might live in peaceful surroundings but be filled with inner turmoil and confusion. Likewise, a person might live in an environment of utter chaos and yet have God’s peace deep within his soul.
The world has lacked peace since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Sin took away our peace. The biblical idea of peace is not just the absence of war; it is the way God intended things to be, the well-being and flourishing of mankind.
The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, which translates to health and well-being.
Near the end of his ministry on earth, Jesus Christ promised His followers He would leave them with His peace: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you not as the world gives … let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).
Would you feel at peace if we were sitting in the city jail? Paul was in prison, yet he wrote to his friends at Philippi, “The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds” (Phil. 4:7). Peace is the last thing that should have been on his mind, yet he was a follower of Jesus and felt His peace.
Sin and peace cannot work together. The only peace that will endure is the one made at Calvary 2,000 years ago. If you are searching for peace in your daily life, you must surrender your sinful nature to Him. God graciously offers it to all who accept the peace made “through the blood of his cross” (Col. 1:20).
We must never stop telling the story of His peace!
Clarity for leading, serving
By Eugene Mason
Leadership Ministries Minute
What would Jesus do? is a catchy meme but tough to put into practice.
Jesus didn’t yield to the culture of His time or act in any way like people might have expected Him to.
Even today, reading the accounts of His life in Scripture with 20/20 clarity, we are still left with questions as to His actions. Why did He choose to heal this person and not that one?
Why feed the 5,000 then leave on a boat? Why only three years of ministry with His disciples?
Some things He did set a clear example: love the poor and needy, invest in people, pray, use Scripture to resist temptation.
EDITOR’S NOTE — Read more from Leadership Ministries Minute on LinkedIn.
Faith-filled, loving community
By Alex Lovorn
Bivocational pastor/Chelsea, Alabama
In thinking about how to build faith-filled loving community in the church, Jesus’ treatment of Zacchaeus comes to mind.
Jesus offered friendship. He accepted Zacchaeus and immediately established peace and fellowship by making it clear that He would be pleased to sit at his table.
Important ingredient
Jesus made no mention of Zacchaeus’ wrongs but rather was kind. He didn’t make Zacchaeus feel like He (Jesus) was too great and awesome to be bothered (though He is great and awesome). Instead, He made Zacchaeus feel like their fellowship was easy and desired. Jesus put the interests of Zacchaeus before His own.
Jesus showed Zacchaeus agape love.
I know it’s a grand simplification of a complex issue, but this kind of love is the ingredient that needs to saturate the church body and flow into the community.
Becoming the model
Churches should by far be the clearest demonstration of where peace exists and not division, where reconciliation happens quickly because grace and forgiveness abounds, and where genuine friendship can be found for all people because they genuinely care about others more so than themselves.
How do we do it?
Obviously, we need the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, but I believe we can make great strides by reflecting often on how Jesus treated others and reflecting often of how Jesus treats us.
Jesus’ love transformed Zacchaeus and changed his life.
God loves you, despite how you are today. But He does not intend to leave you that way tomorrow.
Richard Blackaby
Author and Bible teacher
“People who have a heart for Sudan, we want to tell them that we receive their prayers and their attention, but we still need more prayer allocated to Sudan,” said Ibrahim, a persecuted pastor in Sudan, who shared how he was alienated by his community and arrested and put in prison for his Christian faith. “My prayer for Sudan is may God wake up the Church and may the peace in heaven reign.”
“God tells us to go wherever the door opens and take the gospel to the nations,” said Kimberly Posey, who was honored along with Debra Abston as Alabama Baptists’ Mission Volunteer of the Year for 2024. “Whenever a door is opened, I share the gospel. A lot of people have influenced me since I was a child and helped me learn to love missions. If it weren’t for my parents, [Flatwoods Baptist Church in Northport] and most of all God, I wouldn’t have gotten this award.”
“I believe the world will be transformed not by more people on stages but by more people on mission, starting on the kitchen floor,” said Phylicia Masonheimer, who wrote, “Every Home a Foundation: Experiencing God Through Your Everyday Routines.”
The role of a pastor is not to grow a big church. The pastor’s role is to grow mature disciples who make disciples.
Rick Howerton
Author and ministry consultant
You’re not a disciple because you cry during a song. You’re not a disciple because you raise your hand when you sing. You’re not a disciple because you [listen to Bible teachers]. You’re a disciple when you come to a place where you so believe in the person of Jesus Christ, you don’t care what He asks you to do. You don’t care what He asks you to believe. You don’t care how He phrases it. You’re in. Jesus intentionally ran off the people that liked Him, and He kept the people that believed in Him.
Chris Osborne, professor
Southwestern Seminary
In John 12, John tells us three things about true worship. First, true worship is costly. Second, true worship is countercultural. Third, true worship impacts more than ourselves. John’s gospel shifts in Chapter 12. It is no longer looking at Jesus’ earthly ministry but now John is preparing us for the final week of Jesus’ life, before the crucifixion. How has Jesus changed us? Are we living a life that changes the fact that true worship is costly? Has your life been impacted by Jesus in the fact that everything is His anyway? An encounter with Jesus demands us to truly worship Him or fully reject Him. There are only two choices.
Connor Donavan, pastor
Hollinger’s Island Baptist Church
Mobile, Alabama
One of the easiest ways that Satan can really cripple us as moms is to get us wrapped up in the schedules and then make us think that we’ve already missed the window of opportunity. It is never too late to be a praying person, a praying mom and teaching your kids how to pray.
Amy Davison
Mama Bear Apologetics Podcast
Episode 119
“Teach Them to Pray”