Following his recent diagnosis of kidney cancer, Steve Gaines shared in a video update Dec. 7 that his doctors said the cancer has spread to his lungs. Gaines, former Southern Baptist Convention president and a Tennessee Baptist pastor, appeared in the video with his wife, Donna.
Gaines first announced his cancer diagnosis Nov. 19 to Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, known for being one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in the SBC and the state.
“After they discovered the cancer in my kidney,” he shared in the latest update, “they spent the last two weeks running additional tests, and during those tests, they discovered the cancer had also spread to my lungs.
“I have a great team of doctors who are working hard to come up with the best treatment plan possible,” he noted. “And more than anything we continue to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for complete healing.”
He added, “Donna and I have been overwhelmed by your love, your prayers and your words of encouragement. Thank you so much, all of you who have prayed — and many of you have fasted — for us. Words are inadequate to express our love and our gratitude.”
Next steps
Gaines will be receiving a port this week, Donna noted, “that will allow him to begin chemotherapy as soon as possible.”
“His doctors are encouraged due to a recent release of a very effective new regiment of three medications that have been very effective against his type of cancer,” she added. “Please continue to pray as we seek the Lord, that we might be able to glorify Him in this journey.”
The Gaines plan travel to M.D. Anderson in Houston in January for a consultation and to confirm a treatment plan. They noted they will plan to share an update after that appointment.