Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for March 5

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for March 5

Jesus Met My Greatest Need

John 4:7–18, 25–26

We human beings are needy creatures, aren’t we? Oxygen, water and food are necessities for each of us to sustain our lives. Add to that the requirements of clothes, shelter, transportation and other things we deem essential. The lines between wants and needs can be blurred. For example, some restaurants are known for their all-you-can-eat promotions. Some view the invitation to eat all you can as a challenge, while others are repulsed.

In our Scripture this week, Jesus offers a Samaritan woman an all-you-can-drink offer at no cost. In the Gospel of John alone, Jesus uses seven distinct metaphors in His relationships with others. These metaphors give us a glimpse of who Christ is and the help He provides in all situations.

The Samaritan woman needed more than a metaphor. She needed the Messiah. It may be easy for us to read this story and conclude, “Why doesn’t she understand what Christ is telling her? The water He is referring to is Himself!” Remember, we do not always get it the first time either. We are reading about a woman who lived on the fringes of society and culture. She had been married and remarried so many times that she had probably grown accustomed to being an outcast. Her choice to draw water during a low traffic time of day helped her in her shame.

Jesus revealed a greater thirst in me. (7–14)

This story reminds us of our constant need for Jesus. Even if you are a believer, ask yourself what is the cause of your present thirst. Some may observe this story and conclude if the woman had Jesus, she had all she needed. That is true for us too.

Even as believers we long for more meaning in our relationships, our health to be in good standing and our finances to be enough. Yes, Jesus is enough, but we also live in a broken world. In our insatiable thirst for more, remember Christ is the true source of all joy and lasting fulfillment.

Jesus revealed my sin. (15–18)

Each one of us has at least one thing in common: We are all sinners. We have all made bad choices and done things that bring shame. In His love and mercy, Christ chooses to show me my sin and provide the means of forgiveness.

Christ has the unique ability to expose our great need and provide a remedy in the same breath. The revealing of our sin by Scripture or the Holy Spirit is a call to come back to Christ, not to avoid Him.

Jesus revealed that He is the Messiah, the One to trust. (25–26)

At the end of the day, Christ has the final say. This unnamed woman spent much of her life pledging allegiance to those who either dismissed her or did not return love to her. With Jesus, she had the faith to believe the Messiah would one day set all things back in its proper order. Her faith indicates a belief in the fulfillment of a future promise. How her life changed when she realized that day was the day of her salvation.

Friends, through your doubts and difficulties, trust Christ. The living water He provides is free for the taking. Come! It is all you can drink!

By Bobby McKay
Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi

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