2 Corinthians 9:6–15
Surrounding my home is rich and beautiful farmland. There are thousands of acres of soybeans, cotton and cattle. With each crop, the farmer is required to work hard in the rain or heat for long hours at a time.
The farmer works and prays and keeps an eye on the weather and the crop at the same time. He hopes his yield later in the year is close to the proportion of the seed he planted. He knows the more he plants, the more time is needed to work. He is also aware that more seeds should result in a greater result.
Can the same be said of our approach to our faith? Or do we put a minimal amount of effort into our growth and discipleship and then expect an abundance of blessings and provisions from our Lord? Do not misunderstand what I am saying.
I am not advocating that we must work for or earn the blessings of the Lord. If that were the case, there would be no need for grace. The point I am hoping to make is that there should be a joy that comes with giving, not a burden or expectation.
God gives freely and loves a cheerful giver. (6–9)
When it comes to the best example of what giving should look like, we do not have to look far. The heavenly Father joyfully, freely and lovingly gives us the opportunity for salvation through Jesus Christ.
He does not withhold His gracious offer of salvation from anyone who chooses to believe. We mirror the grace and benevolence of God when we forgive and bless others. Of course, we cannot save anyone, but we can serve as a picture of Christ and extend a giving heart.
Speaking of the heart, Verse 9 reminds us of the less fortunate around us and our obligation to assist those in need.
God multiplies your gift. (10–11)
You have heard it said before, “You cannot outgive God!” There is a lot of truth in that statement. When we give with an open hand and no strings attached, God will do abundantly more than we ever thought possible.
The bounty of His gifts is without limit for His children. If we are not careful, however, we can only enjoy the gifts but miss the real blessing. The bigger blessing is the thanksgiving we can express to God (v. 11).
Thanksgiving is contagious in the lives of believers. When was the last time you paused and prayed, “God, I am not coming to ask You for something. I am coming to thank You for all You have given me.”
God is glorified when you are generous. (12–15)
When we give with a grateful heart and express thanksgiving to the One it belongs to, God will be glorified and we will be blessed.
These Scriptures make a clear parallel between giving and grace. The more one has been the beneficiary of grace, the more he or she should also be a distributor. The Father gave His Son to us. The Son gave His life for us. What are you giving to Him?
We are to be liberal in our giving and lavish in our love for others. Are we givers or takers? The world needs the love of Christ and we have it. Let us share it for all the world to see!
By Bobby McKay
Pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church in Morton, Mississippi