There are nearly 200 registered and certified Christian Women’s Job Corps sites across the nation. Through this ministry, thousands of women are gaining hope for their future.
For 23 years, since the first Arkansas CWJC site began in Fort Smith, women across Arkansas have been impacted by this compassion ministry of Woman’s Missionary Union. Over the years and around our state, hundreds of participants and volunteers have experienced the life transformation that only God can give. See related story.
CWJC sites impact lives by offering
- Bible studies
- Computer skills
- Career-focused classes
- Communication skills
- Journey partner (Mentor)
- Discipleship
- Resume writing and interview skills
Women Equipped CWJC in Benton started their 2022 12-week spring session in February. After class on day two, one of the participants, Rhonda, told site coordinator Susie Everett that she was getting too much information to absorb in a 12-week session. Rhonda asked Susie if she would be able to attend the 2022 fall session, as well. Rhonda explained, “I want to get all I can and then pass it along to my family.”
Rhonda’s life is filled with chaos. Her husband is battling cancer. They have three children and a lot of medical debt. Rhonda was baptized as a child into the Mormon church. In late February, Dierna Koon, Rhonda’s CWJC journey partner (mentor), talked with her about salvation. Dierna was pretty sure that Rhonda had not given her life to Christ.
She could sense, however, that Rhonda was desperately seeking God.
Dierna felt like the Holy Spirit was convicting Rhonda and she was very close to making that life-changing decision. A few days later, Women Equipped Bible study teacher Donna Harrison shared the gospel with Rhonda after class and gave her the opportunity to receive Christ. On March 1, Rhonda prayed to receive Jesus. Rhonda and her husband attended church with Dierna and her family on March 13.
Rhonda plans to be baptized soon. Her desire is for her husband and children to know Jesus too. She recently told Donna, “I think about and talk to God about everything all throughout the day. I thank Him for putting you and the other ladies at Women Equipped in my life.”
Consider how God might be calling you to be involved in this transformational ministry:
— Pray CWJC will continue to help women have hope for a better future.
— Pray CWJC participants will know and understand the love of Jesus Christ.
— Volunteer at a CWJC in your community.
— Collaborate with your church and community leaders to begin a site, if one is not already established in your area.
— Support this ministry through the WMU Foundation (
— Host a CWJC Benefit.
— Learn more about CWJC and be equipped to tell others about the ministry. Visit
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Debbie Moore, WMU executive director at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, and originally published by the Arkansas Baptist News.