The more I see demonstrations in the streets supporting Hamas, with some of those demonstrators being Christians, the more I realize just how ignorant many American Christians are these days.
And even with those who are serious, it’s challenging to know what exactly is happening in Israel right now and what historically has led up to this moment.
RELATED: Check out more stories on issues of faith, media and culture here. To read more articles on the war between Israel and Hamas, click here.
That’s why I strongly recommend pastors take a break from their normally scheduled sermon topics and over the next few Sundays:
1. Teach what the Bible says about the nation of Israel — its history, interaction with neighboring countries through the centuries, and God’s unfolding plan. Who exactly is Hamas, and why do they despise the Jewish people? What is Palestine, and how was the modern-day nation of Israel formed? A significant number of Christians don’t have an accurate context of Israel’s history and, as a result, don’t have a bigger picture of what’s happening.
2. Give them the knowledge they need to discuss these issues with friends, neighbors and co-workers. The mainstream media and many politicians have been typically unsupportive of Israel, so the information their friends and family are getting is too often highly inaccurate and biased. Give your congregation the facts to help them dispel the myths.
3) Consider inviting a Rabbi from a local synagogue or a Biblical scholar from a Christian university to visit your church to discuss what this means to the Jews — and the world. It could be a powerfully effective show of unity to reach out and invite a Jewish Rabbi or leader to engage you in conversation in front of your congregation.
An experienced authority can also bring insightful background to the table that helps give your congregation more perspective. Consider making this a special evening event so your church members could invite their friends. It could make an incredible impact and witness to your entire community.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally published by