Sunday morning, I preached an expository sermon from 1 Peter on living as resident foreigners and enduring hardships for the sake of Christ. I began by leading our congregation in prayer for persecuted believers in Sudan. Afterward, we enjoyed a fellowship lunch where I introduced three new airmen to some of our retirees — men and women who were serving long before these young airmen were born.
This might sound like a typical day for any Baptist pastor, but for a military chaplain, it’s just the beginning. …
We trained at a gun range where special mission aviators fired a .50-caliber machine gun at old tanks and vehicles. Later, while practicing combat landings, I spotted an elk running through the forest. “Elk at 3 o’clock!” I called out, and to my surprise, the pilot turned the aircraft, giving the crew a moment to marvel at God’s creation before we resumed training.
To read full story, click here.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Andy Peck and originally published by Oklahoma’s Baptist Messenger.