Of all the statistics I could mention, I’m very thankful that 91 churches were represented in the messenger attendance at our State Convention of Baptists in Indiana Annual Summit in October.
2021: 65 churches.
2022: 91 churches.
The 26-church increase this year is 21% of our 432 SCBI-affiliated churches.
Why I’m thankful for this statistic
But that’s 26 more churches than last year attending our most important meeting of the year. I welcome that increased participation!
Why I’m thankful for this statistic:
1. We’re seeing some of the rewards for the hard work of investing in relationships this past year — relationships with pastors and associations.
Some relationships were non-existent, broken or stale. But we’re committed to connecting for Kingdom advancement. Connection is happening.
2. An increase in churches at the Summit means an increase in giftedness and resources, which is going to strengthen every church.
The Annual Summit is the one meeting every year where the most fellowship, encouragement and sharpening takes place.
It’s where networking and learning from each other occurs. It’s where prayer for one another happens. Imagine adding 26 more churches into that mix — fruit can abound!
3. We still have room to go.
Seventy-nine percent of our churches were not present at this meeting. But that means we will continue to develop relationships, add value to the Annual Summit and see more churches investing in our cooperative ministry.
Connection brings strength, which amplifies your church’s ministry and impact for Christ in your community. I’m thankful.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Ryan Strother and originally published by the Indiana Baptist.