My friend flipped seamlessly from Scripture reference to Scripture reference and read them on the spot.
I chose to take notes and jot down the list, confident I would go back and read them later.
We sat in the same church service, listened to the same sermon, but chose to engage with it differently.
Both are good ways to listen and learn. Neither option is right or wrong.
After the service, my friend referenced the various Scripture passages and how they connected to the sermon and other related experiences.
I enjoyed learning about the connections and how the pastor’s train of thought moved.
I even thought about how helpful it would be to go back and read all the Scripture noted.
But I actually never slowed down to read through those supplementary Scripture passages.
I’ve also noticed through the years that I sometimes will skip over rereading familiar Scripture references, whether they are mentioned as additional resources to the focal passage of a sermon or surface in another way.
It’s not that I’m dismissing or deliberately ignoring them. It’s merely a habit of not looking up the ones I already knew.
However, when I choose not to reread the various Scripture verses that surface each day, I miss the opportunity to read the passages in context of the current topic being outlined. I’m also missing an opportunity to grow in Christ.
God speaks to us fresh every day through His Word, even the parts we read frequently, and it can happen with a random Scripture reference as well as during our Bible study.
So as Scripture passages catch our eye throughout the day, what if we paused for those few seconds to read them and reflect?
What breadcrumbs might we follow as we collect each verse?
Would the practice provide an extra barrier of protection from distractions and discouragement?
Could it help us keep our eyes on Jesus?
Anticipate a message
Consider meditating on every verse you see or hear each day, no matter how you find them.
Take a minute to look up the passage and read through it slowly, looking for what God might be saying to you in that moment.
You might notice a Scripture reference in an email signature line or in the text of a note from a friend.
You might see it on a billboard or hear it on a podcast.
Explore as you read
And as far as what you might find while reading The Baptist Paper — I suggest preparing an extra cup of coffee or snack before tackling them. You should have lots of opportunities.
We don’t have a protocol or formula, but Scripture appears routinely in the stories we tell, resources listed and services promoted — and of course you’ll find lots in the Sunday School lesson commentaries and the crossword puzzle.
Enjoy the journey as you explore messages from the Lord.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Jennifer Davis Rash, president and editor-in-chief of TAB Media Group. This editorial appeared in the Sept. 26 edition of The Baptist Paper. Click here to subscribe.