I didn’t grow up building with Legos. As a matter of fact, the only thing I knew about the little blocks of plastic was that they really hurt if you stepped on them while walking. But that changed over Christmas break.
My godsons received Lego sets, and I got my first glimpse into the building world.
As I helped begin a Lego helicopter on Christmas night, I immediately recognized spiritual parallels. Simple lessons like this serve as stepping stones in my faith journey. Jesus referenced the most common objects and experiences to guide people like me to follow Him.
Here’s my simple Lego lessons list to begin 2023.
Lesson 1: Lego sets come in different levels.
Beginner bricks are big, bright, plastic, and stackable. It’s not so much about specific builds as it is about enjoying free play and learning how to use the blocks.
As the levels advance and the number of pieces in the box increases, the commitment is deeper. In my journey with God, I am so thankful for the early years I spent in church, Bible study and Sunday School, learning about missions and serving. They free-flowed through my childhood.
Those years became a strong foundation for a lifetime with Jesus. As my years advanced, like the level of the Lego puzzles, discipleship lessons grew. Bible stories became biblical applications which pointed me to a lifestyle as a Jesus follower.
Lesson 2: The outside of the box gives you a lot of information.
The box tells you the theme of the build, the number of pieces and the level of difficulty. Legos now offer an extensive variety of puzzles from movie themes to historical locations. The Christian life described in God’s Word lets you know an adventure awaits.
The stories of spiritual heroes paralleled next to Christ’s life guide you as you become all He has called you to be and do.
My faith journey has led me through challenges and to humble joyful experiences beyond what I could ever imagine.
Lesson 3: Everything you need is in the box.
Everything is included.
This one is simple.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. God’s Word has everything I need for life.
Like Legos, sorting the pieces can be helpful. Recognizing God’s Word, prayer, service and worship are each worthy of growth. When these are combined, the contents of the box creates something beautiful.
Lesson 4: Take it one page at a time.
At the beginning of building the helicopter, I would accidentally flip the page too soon or pick up the wrong piece and quickly realize I was stuck and could not move on.
So I learned to back up to where I lost my way and go from there. The directions are right. Don’t overthink it or second guess.
God has a plan for your life. One step at a time. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on what you know. Take it one page at a time.
Lesson 5: When in doubt, look at the front of the box to remind you of the goal.
As Christ-followers, we know this is not our home, and we look to being with God for all eternity. If you get discouraged, remember your real home and the description of that home in God’s Word.
Lesson 6: A warning — loose blocks are dangerous and impact the build.
Lego blocks really do cause pain when they are found out of the box, away from the build and where they don’t belong.
The same is true for us.
When we wander from the guide and lose our focus, pain and discouragement will most likely follow.
A box of simple blocks pointed me to the plan God has for my life. His Word is my daily reminder. Here’s to 2023!
Let’s start building.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Allyson Clark and originally published by Baptist Churches of New England.