What a nice relief to be removed from so many negative comments, disparaging remarks and mean-spirited conversations that naturally float around us each day. Are you sensing the same peace?
In case you missed the May 9 editorial, be sure to go back and read over it.
The challenge is to protect ourselves from those who want to constantly stir up anger and fear.
It might be from various media outlets or social media platforms, but it also could be from people in our communities.
Wherever it surfaces, we first must make sure our hearts are clean and we aren’t contributing in some way.
Making a real difference
I hope you’ll participate in the exercise and share what you learn and experience with us.
It could truly make a real difference in all of our lives if we merely start with removing ourselves from situations that spew anger and fear.
Protecting our witness
Chris Turner from the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board helps us think about what impact our words and actions in the name of righteousness can have on our Christian witness.
Restraint is hard sometimes, especially when we fear our religious liberty, religious freedom and other rights are being violated.
That’s one reason we make sure you are informed about the persecution of believers happening around the world.
They need our prayer support, and you’ll find these stories sprinkled throughout each edition of The Baptist Paper.
Here in North America, it’s also frustrating for those fighting in the trenches trying to prevent negative influences from expanding.
They sometimes feel the Christian community is too busy and overwhelmed with other parts of life to help in a significant way.
Sure, we can find plenty of talk and even endless threads of the harsh communication efforts we’ve been describing, but what about real action that creates positive change?
What if we all slowed down, took inventory of our lives and prayed through where we need to focus?
What if we trusted the Lord fully and completely, sought His guidance and direction, and then got to work?
Is it possible to be focused on studying God’s Word, becoming more like Jesus and sharing Him with others while also impacting the world around us for the good of all?
I’m convinced it is. We merely have to get out of our own way and let Him lead.
Would you agree?