The Transitional Interim Pastor’s (TIP) Fellowship may well be the only ministry of its kind across the Southern Baptist Convention. It serves a significant role in the ministries of transitional interims in northeast Georgia. Organized by several associational mission strategists in 2016, it is designed to build on the training provided for transitional pastors by helping them keep their skillsets sharp during and between ministry opportunities.
The TIP ministry is also designed to help churches during pastoral transitions, especially churches that have had a long-tenured pastor, a traumatic transition (death, illness, or moral failure), or conflict.
TIP pastors have received training to help churches deal with past issues, discover or rediscover their current purpose, and then seek a new pastor who shares that vision and purpose. To help facilitate the process and remain objective, TIP pastors do not allow themselves to be considered as candidates for the vacant pulpit.
Read full story here.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Charles Jones and originally published by the Christian Index.