Among those celebrating today’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade is an Alabama woman whose birth mother chose life for her unborn child conceived in rape.
“I am living-proof that life, no matter the conception, is created in the image of God and is worthy,” said Alabama native Sara Bible.
Sara, a graduate of Judson College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, is the church and pastoral ministry assistant at First Baptist Church Demopolis. She often speaks to groups, telling her story of life.
‘My mother said yes to me’
She was conceived when her birth mother, a freshman in college, was raped by two unknown men. Her mother hid her pregnancy for seven months before sharing it with her family or seeking medical care.
“I am here,” Sara said, “because my birth mother said yes to me when I could not speak for myself. And I was given life in a world that says rape equals abortion.”
She believes “every baby, no matter the conception or in-utero conditions, was created on purpose by our Creator and for a purpose of His great design.”
Through Birmingham-based Lifeline Children’s Services, Sara’s birth mother facilitated the adoption of her newborn baby girl. Bible’s “forever family” provided her a stable, Christ-loving family.
Gratitude, admiration
“I can’t help but stand in not only gratitude for [my birth mother] but also admiration of her resolve and grit,” Sara said.
Sara speaks often to pro-life groups, each time expressing her gratitude to her birth mother.
“I am so honored every time the Lord gives me the opportunity to share my story — His story — of redemption,” she said. “I truly believe adoption is a picture of the gospel.”