So far, more than 4,700 people have registered as messengers for the SBC Annual Meeting, which begins on Tuesday (June 11), and more will continue to register throughout the next few days. For those Baptists who have already arrived in Indianapolis, they’re attending a variety of meetings and gatherings, reconnecting with friends from all over the country.
During its Mission Celebration today, National WMU worshipped with Native Praise Choir, an Oklahoma choir dedicated to preserving indigenous culture through the native Christian hymns passed down by their ancestors. Native Praise Choir celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.
More than 400 associational leaders from around the country gathered for their annual conference today to be encouraged and equipped for local church ministry and to connect with one another.
The SBC Pastors Conference kicked off tonight and featured Mississippi pastor Bartholomew Orr, Greg Mann of the International Mission Board and Southern Seminary professor Hershael York. The Pastors Conference will continue with three more sessions tomorrow.
As more messengers continue to converge on Indianapolis, they’ll be visiting with one another in the exhibit hall and through the many gatherings happening tomorrow. For more coverage, visit