Southern Baptist state convention executive directors, meeting for their annual meeting in early February, unanimously affirmed their support for Vision 2025.
In spite of recent documented tensions between some state executive directors and the North American Mission Board and the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Leo Endel, 2020–2021 president of the state executive directors fellowship, said, “I did not sense any concern about affirming Dr. (Ronnie) Floyd’s Vision 2025. In fact, it was enthusiastically received.”
Endel, executive director of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention, added, “We need a unified vision focused on the gospel.
“The gospel is the cause and motivation for our cooperation. Increasingly, we are consumed with second- and third-level issues that divide us.
“Reclarifying the vision helps keep the tertiary issues tertiary and helps us pull together around … the Great Commission,” he said.
In a written “unified statement,” the executive directors stated, “We pledge ourselves to promote, advance and pursue Vision 2025 within the context of our churches, associations, states and entities for the glory of God.”