The Baptist Convention of New Mexico will host a training session for adult Sunday School class teachers on the importance of Sunday School and how it can contribute to fulfilling the church’s mission.
The training will take place Feb. 22, from 10 a.m.–12 p.m., at Prince Street Baptist Church, Clovis. The BCNM’s Church Health Team leader, Rick Brittain, will lead the training.
‘Go, make disciples’
Brittain will teach the Sunday school training class and discuss why churches have Sunday School. He will also examine why the church exists and how Sunday Schools fulfill that purpose.
Brittain said, “If you look at the Great Commission, you have, ‘Go, make disciples, baptize them, teach them how to live life.’” In response, he asked, “So how does Sunday School help us or how do groups help us accomplish those things?”
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EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Johanna Nelson and originally published by the Baptist New Mexican.