When Southern Baptists partner, specifically through giving and going, impactful work among the nations happens.
The impact of this cooperative effort has been on full display this year by the response to the war in Ukraine. Southern Baptists’ generosity to the International Mission Board and Send Relief has reached tens of thousands of refugees and partnering churches in Eastern Europe.
To date, Southern Baptist have given more than $10 million to Ukraine relief through Send Relief.
Because the IMB was there before the war broke out, and will be there after it ends, funds and volunteer teams have been and are being intentionally used to meet physical and spiritual needs.
Through partnerships with Texas Baptists, refugees fleeing Ukraine have been offered hope and help. IMB President Paul Chitwood shared some of the ways Texas Baptists served in Poland.
Because of longstanding partnerships with Romanian Baptists, the IMB has been able to partner to support the churches there as they minister to Ukrainian refugees and those still inside the country. Partnerships like these, that sustain their efforts, weren’t built overnight. They are the product of IMB missionary presence for years.
In Poland, the longstanding partnership with Chelm Baptist has opened the door for Send Relief and the IMB to aid them as they get food across the border into Ukraine. Pastor Henryk Skrzypkowski shared his gratitude for this partnership that equips their ministry.
For more information on the IMB’s Ukraine response, visit imb.org/Ukraine.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally published by the International Mission Board.