The Week of Prayer for International Missions is Dec. 1–8. The national goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is $205 million.
Between the command of Jesus in the Great Commission and the vision of the Great Multitude in Revelation 7:9 is our Great Pursuit. We are present among the lost so they can hear the gospel and be represented around the throne of Jesus Christ for eternity.
Missionaries have counted the cost. Finding Christ worthy, they willingly go to the farthest corners of the earth — the cities, the hard-to-reach places, among the dispersed and displaced. But they do not serve alone. We support them through our prayers, through our giving and sometimes through our own presence.
The International Mission Board urges Southern Baptists to join them in prayer for IMB missionaries this week.
RELATED: For more stories on the IMB and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, click here.
Day 1: The Great Pursuit in Senegal
Even though he can’t swim, Moses is traveling the waters to islands off the African coast. Moses and his wife, Beth, are training new believers and helping form healthy churches.
Day 2: The Great Pursuit in Central Asia
Gary and Ann marvel at the new believers and their thirst for growth. Still, they pray for a church in a mountain village that was previously unengaged and unreached with the gospel.
Day 3: The Great Pursuit among the Deaf
Two years ago, there was no Scripture in Slovenian Sign Language. IMB missionaries led translation efforts so the Deaf could understand the gospel in their heart language.
Day 4: The Great Pursuit in Brazil
Danilo Miranda is Brazilian and now serves with the IMB back in his home country. But his goal is to help Brazilians leave the country to be missionaries to the uttermost parts of the world.
Day 5: The Great Pursuit on Southeast Asian islands
David and Regan York have faithfully served one cluster of islands for many years. Their vision is many reproducing churches who will reach their own people groups and the nations.
Day 6: The Great Pursuit in Northern Africa
Civil unrest often disrupts their daily living, but Jay and Ella remain faithful to share the truth of God’s Word. They rejoice to see believers responding and trying to worship together.
Day 7: The Great Pursuit in South Asia
John is already seeing fruit from his treks to find unengaged, unreached people groups. He is one of IMB’s missionary explorers, working as part of Project 3000.
Day 8: The Great Pursuit in Greece
Ginny is using her skills to encourage and mentor believers in healthcare professions to use their healthcare background for the Kingdom. God is using her to minister to physical and spiritual needs.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written and originally published by the International Mission Board.