Park Hill Baptist Church in North Little Rock has formed a new Women on Mission group. Women on Mission is a discipleship group under the umbrella of Woman’s Missionary Union that is designed to equip adult women to become active disciples of Christ as they live on mission for Him.
Women on Mission members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving and Bible study. The Park Hill “Plarn & Prayer Group” meets monthly to make plastic mats for children in the local school district that do not have permanent homes and to pray for the students, families, teachers and staff.
Some of the women cut plastic shopping bags into strips, and others loop and tie them together to form a ball of “plarn.” Plarn is a combination of the words plastic and yarn. Other ladies then crochet the plarn into colorful mats that can provide a barrier separating the ground from a blanket or sleeping bag. It takes approximately 700 bags to create one mat.
Recently, the group presented the North Little Rock School District liaison for Homeless Students with eight mats and prayed for her ministry and the families she serves. According to the liaison, in 2020 there were approximately 700 students in the entire district classified as homeless.
How you can help
If you would like to find out whether the group is accepting bags, you may contact Dawne Carroll by email at If you want information on beginning a Women on Mission group at your church, please contact Debbie Moore at
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was originally published by the Arkansas Baptist News, news service of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.