At Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, the final chapel of the semester celebrates and awards students in The College and the seminary who have demonstrated excellence in their academics and ministry. The May 2 awards chapel was uniquely memorable and encouraging for students. Beloved faculty member Jim Shaddix joined Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Seminary, on the chapel stage for a conversation about his ongoing battle with cancer.
“We’re so honored to have you here today,” Akin told Shaddix as Southeastern family and friends stood to welcome him.
“By God’s grace,” Shaddix shared, “I’m doing really well.” He spoke of encouraging doctors’ reports, increased strength and a healthy appetite. In particular, he shared how excited he was to have been able to recently teach one of his classes.
Countless investment
Serving as the W.A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching, the senior fellow for the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, and the senior professor of preaching, Shaddix has mentored and taught countless students during his time at Southeastern, investing in the lives of many and proclaiming boldly the word of truth.
During their conversation, Shaddix shared how his battle with cancer began in January when doctors discovered tumors in his brain which were ultimately diagnosed as stage-four glioblastoma. Multiple surgeries and rounds of radiation have followed the diagnosis, but throughout it all, God has remained faithful and sovereign.
“In this journey, God has given me a more mature appreciation for the assurance that we have,” Shaddix told Akin and his listeners. “Hope in the world is different than hope in the Bible. Hope in the world is a maybe, a might be, a want to be. It might happen; it might not. But hope for believers in Christ is a certainty.”
To read full story, click here.
EDITOR’S NOTE — This story was written by Mary Asta Halvorsen and originally published by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.