Since messengers to the SBC annual meeting passed Vision 2025 during its meeting June 15, ministry leaders across the convention are beginning to focus on the strategic actions outlined.
The plan, proposed by SBC Executive Committee president and CEO Ronnie Floyd, originally had five action steps, but messengers amended one action and added another before it passed.
Goals include increasing missionaries through the International Mission Board (action 1), adding new churches (action 2), ‘calling out the called’ (action 3) and increasing Cooperative Program giving (action 5).
Messengers amended action 4 to “turn around the ongoing decline in the SBC in reaching, baptizing and discipling those under the age of 18.” The original goal was to focus on teenagers, ages 12–17.
A sixth action step was added: Prayerfully endeavor to eliminate all incidents of sexual abuse and racial discrimination among our churches.