Rashional Thoughts: We mean well with ‘you should do this’ but it may hurt more than help
She described the pressure she was under with such intensity, but I struggled at first to understand why she called the suggestions from friends pressure.
She described the pressure she was under with such intensity, but I struggled at first to understand why she called the suggestions from friends pressure.
Hold meetings to discuss the problem of rising crime in the community. Invite speakers from local agencies to address the dilemma, offer solutions and provide
Trust is defined as the firm belief in the ability, reliability or strength of someone or something. Trust inside our churches has been waning for
Hi, friend. My name is Jennifer, and our team at TAB Media Group is beyond excited to introduce you to what we know will be
This was my son’s first year playing baseball. Being an assistant coach for his team has been such a good experience. I remember playing Little
More than 15,000 Southern Baptists managed to squeeze into the recently re-opened and wildly popular downtown Nashville and definitely got a good dose of sensory
Sandy Wisdom-Martin recently heard a tidbit of information that caught her attention. A conference presenter cited research that revealed no matter where you are on
Disagreements are unsettling, but intense division shreds our souls. None of us remains whole when we are at odds with one another. And if we
The glow on the little guy’s face as the children’s pastor surfaced him from the portable baptismal pool triggered a sprinkling of water down several
By Sandy Wisdom-Martin Executive director-treasurer, National WMU I am sometimes asked, “What do you envision for the future of WMU?” The landscape transitions moment by